Monday, March 3, 2025

Nuances - #haiku #XplorationChallenge #tabebuiatrees #trumpettrees #poem #poetry #poetrycommunity @YvetteMCalleiro

Hello, beautiful readers! For this week's Xploration Challenge #370, Reena encourages us to write a piece using the word nuance

I finally made it to the beach this weekend. The weather was finally warm enough to enjoy it, though it did get a bit chilly toward the later part of the day. The water was still cold, but our bodies adjusted after a few minutes. I'm looking forward to my weekly visits now that the weather is warming up. On my way there, I noticed that one of my favorite trees has begun to bloom again, so I decide to write a haiku about them.

My absolute favorite tree is the willow tree, but the tabebuia tree, also known as a trumpet tree, is my second favorite. With yellow being one of my two favorite colors, this tree always lifts my spirits when it's in bloom. 

(courtesy of @MissaelVazquez on Pexels)

nature's yellow kiss
tabebuia trees bloom
Gaia's nuances

Would you like to join us in this challenge? Click here.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes, Jan! These trees always remind me that spring has arrived! :-)

  2. Love those beautiful signs that spring is on its way, Yvette :) Enjoy the beach xo

    1. Thank you, Denise! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)


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