Saturday, August 3, 2024

#TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic #Poetry Challenge - #Syllabic #poem #poetrycommunity #seasonalKigo #Kigo #seasons #Taisho #Kimo #summerveggies @YvetteMCalleiro

Hello, beautiful readers! We dodged Tropical Storm Debby in my area, and I'm hoping it falls apart instead of turning into a hurricane before it makes landfall in the Florida panhandle.

I'm not sure how many of you are watching the Olympics, but I am absolutely LOVING it! I've been watching gymnastics, track & field, beach/court volleyball, and swimming, and I've even caught a little rugby and basketball. I am in awe of these athletes and their commitment to their goals and their prowess! The USA teams are amazing, and I'm so happy for all of those who are winning medals.

For this week's #TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, Colleen Chesebro has invited us to write a poem about the vegetables that are harvested during the summer. I've chosen to write a kimo, which is a three-line poem with a syllabic pattern of 10-7-6. It's the Israeli version of a haiku.

(courtesy of @Shutterbug75 on Pixabay)

healing ingredients grow in the ground
onions and garlic delight
savory nutrients

Now, I am not a cook. In fact, I cook out of necessity. When I become rich, I will have a full-time chef. Lol! So, in the spirit of being silly, I wrote a haiku, though I don't think it's a true haiku.

(courtesy of @monicore on Pixabay)

a cook I am not
onions, garlic are staples
they improve it all

Would you like to write your own poem? Join us here.


  1. I too am a cook of necessity because it’s so hot here. You’re right that onions and garlic do add to the flavor. Sadje

    1. I use them in everything. Lol! Thanks for visiting, Sadje! :-)


  2. Cannot go wrong with onions and garlic and herbs. Enticing. Love this. Xo Selma

    1. Thank you, Selma! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  3. Yvi, I think your haiku is fine. You're using vegetables harvested in summer. I think that works. Besides, onion and garlic are my favorites. I'm not much a cook anymore, so you're in good company. 💖

    1. Whew! I wasn't sure it was "nature" enough. I'm happy it works. Thanks, Colleen! :-)

  4. Yvette, good tactic. Everything tastes better with onions and garlic :)

  5. Onions and garlic great ingredients, great poems too.💜💜

  6. I hope the storm missed you, Yvette. I love your haiku. I'm not a cook either so everything gets garlic, lots and lots of garlic. Lol. A fun post.

    1. Garlic is our friend! Lol! I just got a little rain from the storm, but it was nothing we don't normally get during the summer. Thanks for checking on me, Diana! :-)

  7. Hi Yvette, these are great fun. Thanks.

  8. Glad you were not affected by the cyclone. Looks very fierce. Cooking is a chore but as I like to eat good food there is no way around it....Rall

    1. Very true, Rall! I prefer to eat the healthy meals I create over the things produced at a restaurant. Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  9. (Jules) I enjoy onions, garlic and scallions! I got some scallions (a bunch) early spring, cut off the root bottoms and put them in soil outside and have been harvesting scallion greens all summer!

    I'm a simple home cook too. I enjoy using the 'Dutch Oven (really any ceramic or glass baking dish with a lid) and the crock pot where you can just toss in food and it cooks itself! ;)

    I think the best part of the Olympics that I have seen so far is when fallen atheletes are helped up by others. There was one race where the winner of the heat went back to help someone because the medics weren't quick enough!

    We've gotten some of "Debby" and we could use every drop. Unfortunately some coastal areas did get flooding.

    1. I agree, Jules! The comradery among the athletes is so beautiful! I'm happy your area didn't get flooded. :-)

  10. I love onions and garlic…. It doesn’t matter what is for dinner - the smell of them makes my mouth water … 💞

    1. I'm with you on that, Suzanne! Thanks for sharing. :-)

  11. I'm with you on hiring a personal chef. I'm glad you were not affected by the cyclone.


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)