Thursday, October 10, 2024

#TankaTuesday #Poetry Challenge - #Syllabic #poem #poetrycommunity #specifictheme #divorce #insecurity #resilience @YvetteMCalleiro

Hello, beautiful readers! We have entered a new season of #TankaTuesday poetry challenges. Each week, a different poet from our poetry community will host Colleen Chesebro's page and share a challenge. This week's challenge is being presented by Sadje

This week, Sadje challenges us to write a syllabic poem about something that brought a big change in our lives. The biggest, most transformative change in my life was giving birth to my son, but I decided to write about my divorce. I've written a tanka prose, which involves a paragraph of prose and a tanka poem.

(courtesy of @Fotorech on Pixabay)

For as far back as I can remember, insecurity has felt like a second skin. I hide it well, but it resides in the most fragile part of my soul. Growing up, my parents told me I had to get a degree so if I ever married a jerk, I could support myself and my children. And so I did - three degrees, in fact. Still, confidence and I weren't friends. I married and gave birth to my little miracle. Shortly thereafter, I realized my husband was not healthy for me, mentally or emotionally. Fear gripped me as I began again with a toddler and a mountain of debt threatening to bury me.

marriage falls apart
self-fulfilling prophecy
miss independent
builds confidence step by step
excels more than expected

Do you have a big moment in your life that you'd like to express through poetry? Join us here


  1. Children definitely change us. And when we're faced with hard decisions, we find strength we didn't know we had. Beautiful poem!

  2. Life-changing, yes... for you also found yourself in the process.

  3. Yvette, I see you as a woman who runs with the wolves (Clarissa Pinkola Estes reference.) You've let your best instincts lead you on a path to success and satisfaction. I appreciate you sharing your personal story of overcoming challenges, as it can inspire others. Happy Friday!

  4. Yvi, I'm so happy you had wise parents! When we're young, we can't always see what's ahead until it slaps us in the face. Look at the great success you've become. P.S. How is your son? Does he love college?

    1. Thank you, Colleen! He loves that his classes only take up a couple of hours of his day instead of almost all of it. Lol! :-)

  5. Your tanka prose and poem illustrates how under unfavorable circumstances, we gain our confidence and courage and rise to face the challenges. Thanks Yvette for joining in.

    1. Thank you, Sadje. It is under pressure that sand becomes a diamond. I appreciate you commenting. :-)

  6. Sometimes we have to make huge decision we have to accept we have not succeeded but we have not failed.

    1. Thanks for the link, Willow! I had never heard that song before. I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  7. Out of the fire, hope and resilience. Beautiful tanka prose✍

    1. Oops, yeah, this is Jude Itakali🙏

    2. Very true, Jude! Thanks for visiting. :-)

  8. (Jules) Continue building into the light! 💕


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)