Wednesday, July 17, 2024

#TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic #Poetry Challenge - #Syllabic #poem #poetrycommunity #seasonalKigo #Kigo #seasons #Shosho #AmericanCinquain #seox #dodoitsu #summerdays @YvetteMCalleiro

Hello, beautiful readers! For this week's #Tanka Tuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, Colleen Chesebro provided us with three phrases and encouraged us to create different poems using the phrases. The phrases are:
smoldering heat
midsummer darkness
cutting the grass

I decided to challenge myself a bit this week and tried out a couple of new poetry forms. For the first phrase, I used the American Cinquain, which I've done before. It is a poem of five lines with a syllabic pattern of 2-4-6-8-2. The first four lines should build drama, and the fifth line changes the focus.

For the second poem, I attempted a seox, which has six lines (a hexastich) with a 3-7-6-5-4-3 syllabic pattern. And for the last poem, I tried writing a dodoitsu, which has a syllabic pattern of 7-7-7-5. It usually focuses on love, humor, or the unexpected but can also focus on nature and beauty. Hopefully, I did right by these forms. As always, I've bolded and italicized the kigo words.

(courtesy of @aghostmaycome on Pixabay)

smoldering heat
sizzling sidewalks burn feet
humidity suffocates me
ah, pool!

(courtesy of @Schaferle2 on Pixabay)

sunny day
midsummer darkness rolls in
lightning bursts streak through sky
thunder makes music
rain adds drum beats
stunning show

(courtesy of @Alexas_Fotos on Pixabay)

someone else cutting the grass
blades stick to their sweaty skin
while I relish the a/c
the joys of summer

Would you like to create a poem with one (or all) of these phrases? Join us here.


  1. Both the aspects of summer have been beautifully captured. I liked all three forms too.

  2. Liked all these forms. Well done !...Rall

  3. Wonderful imagery, Yvette. Your lines are amazing -- "rain adds drum beats" - beautiful visual capture of summer rain! Bravo! 🌞

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Mark! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  5. Fabulous work on the three different forms, Yvi. We all seem to have a trend going about NOT wanting to cut the grass. LOL!! 😂

    1. As a child, I was lucky that my dad felt that was his job. As an adult, I used to do it until I injured my rotator cuff. Then, I hired a company to do it. I don't miss the job one bit. LOL! Thanks for visiting! :-)

  6. love your poems :)

    1. Thank you, Lady Lee! I appreciate you visiting. :-)

  7. I love the music of the storm in the third.

    1. Thank you, Melissa! I love the sound of rainstorms. Thanks for passing by. :-)

  8. Yvette, love the forms and how you used them. All vivid images of midsummer.

    1. Thank you, Lisa! I appreciate you coming by and commenting. :-)

  9. (Jules) I should use my gym pool more...
    We finally had to mow the front - just for a good look - the back hasn't been mowed for weeks. Though we are getting some rain today.
    We did have some thunder last night... I enjoy watching lightng :)

    1. I'm a fan of thunderstorms as long as I can stay indoors. Thanks for sharing, Jules! :-)

  10. HI Yvette, I hope you are well and enjoying the summer. Compelling verses.

    1. I'm squeezing as much enjoyment out of summer before I have to return to work next week. Lol! Thanks for stopping by, Robbie! :-)

  11. I love all of these, Yvette... And I feel like I could have written that last one myself - I definitely love the AC and hate mowing grass!

    You've rendered the imagery perfectly...

    Much love,

    1. Aw, thank you, David! I truly appreciate that compliment. Thanks for visiting! :-)


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)