Sunday, July 14, 2024

#TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic #Poetry Challenge - #Syllabic #poem #poetrycommunity #seasonalKigo #Kigo #seasons #Shosho #haiku #summerdays @YvetteMCalleiro


Hello, beautiful readers! I'm back from my summer travels. I had an amazing trip to Italy, Malta, and Greece with my son. It was sweltering hot, not unlike my beautiful South Florida. We walked over 175,000 steps, which helped me from gaining weight from the delicious food I ate. I took several hundred photos and won't bore you with all of them, but I thought I'd share a few for those who have never been able to go to these places.

Florence, Italy

The Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italy)

Pompeii (Naples, Italy)

The Amalfi Coast

Municipal Gardens in Taormina

Mdina (Malta)

Katakolon (Olympia), Greece

Piraeus (Athens), Greece

View from my cruise balcony

Thira (Santorini), Greece

Vatican, Rome, Italy

Colosseum, Rome, Italy

Rome, Italy

I've been a bit busy since I returned with visiting my son's college and releasing my new short story, Karma Doesn't Kill. And I've missed a few Tanka Tuesday challenges, but I finally found some time to participate this week. For this week's #TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, Colleen Chesebro has invited us to write a poem using the kigo words for Shosho - The Beginning of Midsummer: Growing Heat.

I've decided to write a haiku that encapsulates our South Florida summers. It is HOT. Even our ocean waters are in the high 80s, which is typically the temperature we see in late August. It's a little worrisome for us because hot waters lead to stronger hurricanes. We are praying the hurricanes stay out at sea this year. We get a lot of rainstorms, which cool the temps a bit, but they also bring nasty humidity. If I'm not at the beach, I do my best to stay indoors. Anyway, here is my poem. My kigo phrase is bolded and highlighted.

(courtesy of @GB_photo on Pixabay)

summer thunderstorms
never-ending nourishment
nature soothes itself

Would you like to write a poem with us this week? Join us here.


  1. Yvi, you look marvelous!! What a fun time you had on vacation. Your haiku is spot on! I worry about the heating oceans, too. It seems to be hot everywhere this year. ❤️

    1. Thank you, Colleen! It definitely feels like an unusually hot summer this year.

  2. What a marvelous vacation to many stunningly beautiful locales. Thanks for sharing the pics, Yvette.

  3. Gorgeous photos of a dreamy vacay. Glad you made it there and back again with many fond memories

    1. We made many wonderful memories. Thanks for visiting, Jude! :-)

  4. Enjoyed your photos and haiku. Lovely.

    1. Thank you, Aishwarya! I'm happy you enjoyed them. Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  5. It seems you've had a fun and adventurous summer. Kudos Yvette.

  6. That looks like a great trip Yvette! It's much hotter than normal here too. Even the thunderstorms don't cool it off.

    1. Same here, though they do cool off the ocean, for which I am grateful! Thanks for visiting, Kerfe! :-)

  7. Lovely pictures and you are looking gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them Yvette.

  8. What a marvellous trip! My grandfather was Maltese.

    Florida sounds too hot for me. I love your haiku and it’s interesting take on thunderstorms

    1. It's a beautiful country, Kim! Florida summers are not for everyone, that's for sure! Thanks for passing by, Kim! :-)

  9. I have just returned from a cruise also, we have trod the same soil …..❤️ lovely 💞Suzanne

    1. That's fabulous, Suzanne! Cruises are so much fun! Thanks for sharing! :-)

  10. How nature replenishes is interesting: scary. But these thunderstorms make for wonderful poems. But your point about the waters being warmer than usual is even scarier. I hope we're all spared.
    Your photos are one of a kind. How adorable it all. Stupendous. Oh my! Thanks for sharing those.

    Um, your new book. Congratulations. ehem, I read and reviewed on the 13th, but Amazon is giving me a hard time, not sending me word that it's live. So I wait. Spectacular, my lovely. All the best. Stellar work. xoxo

    1. Aw, thank you, Selma! I appreciate you reading my short story. I look forward to reading your review once Amazon publishes it. XOXO :-)

  11. Lovely memories, photos and poems lovely post 💜💜💜💜

    1. Thank you, Willow! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  12. I'm so jealous! I've always wanted to go to Florence. Believe it or not I actually had a carpet cleaning crew out recently and one of them just got back from Italy and Greece too. I'll take their experience and yours as a sign that I need to finally book the trip.

    1. Absolutely, Alicia! There are some really great deals out there. Take that dream vacation. Thanks for sharing! :-)

  13. It sounds like you are having a great time, Yvette. It is very hot there in the summer, but Florida is so muggy. 80 degree water whew! We went to Florida in August when I was a kid because that's when my dad was off. Lots of things to watch out for. My brother got stung by jellyfish.

    1. Yes, we get jellyfish every now and then, but our lifeguards are pretty good about putting up the marine life flag so we know what to watch for. I've been stung by jellyfish before. Not fun! Thanks for stopping by, Marsha! :-)

  14. (Jules -) I was lucky to visit Rome and Pompii... so much more has been uncovered in Pompii since I was there oodled of years ago. Glad you are back... our weather has been too hot. We hope to get some relief next week with temps only in the 80's - the real feel here has been in triple digits!

    1. I loved both Rome and Pompeii! I could easily visit Rome again. Thanks for stopping by, Jules! Stay cool indoors! :-)

  15. Great pics of a wonderful holiday. Thanks for sharing.....Rall

  16. Looks like you had a wonderful vacation, Yvette. Your kigo was well done!

  17. (Jules) I'm sure I commented here... anyway... I did get to visit Pompeii years ago. They've found so much more in in the ashes. Amazing! Glad you had an enjoyable safe trip. Good luck to your son!

    1. Thanks, Jules! I love that they are still excavating and discovering new things. I appreciate you stopping by (again). ;-)

  18. Looks like you had a great time! Loved the pics :) xo

    1. We had an amazing time! Thanks for visiting, Denise! :-)


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