Sunday, December 3, 2017

Party with Me!

Good morning, beautiful readers! It's time for you all to join me on the #RRBC Holiday Train Book Trailer Block Party! Every day, there will be a new book trailer to introduce you to a new book. If you leave a comment on the YouTube page, you will be eligible to win a prize! So, not only will you learn about some amazing books, but you will also get a chance of winning gift cards or books or other great prizes! You might even find a few items to add as a holiday gift for your loved ones. After all, reading is a gift that never dies! ;-) Here is the link to the party:


  1. I'm really enjoying seeing so many great trailers on the book train party. Looking forward to discovering some new reads.

    1. So am I! I added several books to my TBR with our last party. :-)


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)