Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Joke's on Him - #dVerse #HaibunMonday #haibun #GroundhogDay #poem #poetry #poetrycommunity #writer #writingcommunity @YvetteMCalleiro

Hello, beautiful readers! This Monday's dVerse Haibun Monday challenge is hosted by Frank J. Tassone. He encouraged us to focus on Groundhog Day, which was celebrated this past weekend. For those of you outside of the USA, this is a tradition where a celebration is held to see if a groundhog sees his shadow. If he does, he predicts six more weeks of winter. If he does not, it predicts an early spring. 

For those unfamiliar with a haibun, it is a poem that consists of prose and a haiku. The prose is usually written in the present tense and focuses on an experience. Haiku are always nature-based and should use a kigo word (connected to nature or seasons). I decided to have a little fun with it.

(created with Microsoft Copilot)

Joke's on Him

As I lounge here, watching this overweight fur ball get pulled out of a fake tree trunk, I can't help but wonder what all the hoopla is about. Those men in cosplay top hats and tuxedoes pull him out of that hole full of hay to raise him up in the freezing air. And all those people cheering for him! What a joke! That fatso lay on a carpet without getting up off his belly. Then those men tried to say he predicted more winter by seeing his shadow. Puh-leeze! I see my shadow every day, and we almost never have cold weather! That fur ball needs to find a way to escape and come down here, so I can get him in shape.

traditions abound
winter will give way to spring
Gaia will decide

Want to write a haibun about Groundhog Day? Join us here.


  1. I enjoyed your take on the prompt, Yvette!

  2. Fun and descriptive. Nice one!

  3. Ha... I think at least he would sweat

  4. Lol! Yep, that fatso needs some good nutrition and exercise. This one made me laugh!

    1. Thank you, Jan! I'm happy I could make you laugh. :-)

  5. A fun write, although exercise could be damaging to his health.

    1. Well, we wouldn't want that! I'm sure getting out of that fake trunk would be good for his health, though. Thanks for visiting. :-)

  6. Some traditions of the US are quite bizarre. You have described what I thought. I loved the movie though. The Gaia reference is so good 😀

    1. Thank you, Brian! I loved the movie as well. I appreciate you visiting. :-)

  7. haha - interesting perspective - the photo works well with your witty haibun. Gaia will decide for sure...

    1. Thank you, Truedessa! I had fun having AI create a photo that represents my South Floridian attitude toward this tradition. Lol! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  8. Ha! Love the attitude! Super fun, Yvette, and yes, Gaia will do as she wishes. <3

  9. Iguana is one cool dude on the lounge chair!

    1. Yes, he is, Lisa! And they do lounge on outdoor chairs when the homeowners are inside. Thanks for visiting! :-)

  10. Your haibun is so funny. Nicely done, Yvette Robbie Cheadle

    1. Thank you, Robbie! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for visiting! :-)

  11. This is so beautifully done Yvette. Remarkable poetry.

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you, Violet! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  13. I'm sorry I'm late! I love your persona haibun here! Perfect image to complement your prose, too!

    1. Thank you, Frank! You can never be late to support another poet. Thanks for stopping by. :-)


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)