Sunday, February 23, 2025

Collaborative Sestina #sestina #poem #poetry #poetrycommunity #collaborativepoem @YvetteMCalleiro

Hello, beautiful readers! Recently, I was invited by Melissa Lemay to be a part of a collaborative poetry project in which five poets each wrote a poem using six random words that Melissa gave us. She then took our five separate poems and meshed them together using the format of a sestina

The other poets who volunteered to create a sestina with me were Michele Lee Sefton, Valerie (Murisopsis), Colleen Chesebro, and Heather Carr-Rowe. The random words we were given were pen, plan, dash, likely, boat, and name. One of the words was repeated at the end. Each of us were give the words in a different order, and we didn't see each other's lines before Melissa put them all together. 

Here were the lines I created:

you captured my heart with the stroke of your pen
your attention made me feel more than just a name
my lonely heart took off in a dash
allowing you to romance me on your luxury boat
I was a boost to your ego, most likely
guess that was always the plan
do you remember my name?

Melissa took my lines and combined them with the other poets and created this fabulous sestina! Click HERE to read it! :-)


  1. Beautiful poem. I went over to Melissa's blog to read the sestina. Seamless blending!

    1. Isn't it incredible! We all wrote different poems without knowing what the other was writing, and somehow it all came together! Thanks for visiting and reading the whole sestina, Cai! :-)

  2. This was beautifully stated, and I have to admit, all too relatable. Well done Yvette!

    1. Thank you, Violet! I hope you visit Melissa's page to see the sestina in its entirety. :-)

  3. Beautiful, Yvette! Sounds like a true story from a dating site. :)

    1. Haha! You have a point, Jan! Make sure you check out the entire sestina. It's really cool! Thanks for visiting. :-)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you, Nolcha! I encourage you to check out the sestina on Melissa's page. It's fantastic how all the lines came together. :-)

  5. Your words are beautiful, Yvette, and I read the sestina, absolutely stunning! An amazing collaboration! 💗

    1. Thank you, Lauren! I appreciate your kind words. :-)

  6. So lovely to read your lines together. Melissa did a wonderful job putting the Sestina together.

    1. She really did, Heather! I was happy she included me. Thanks for visiting and reading the sestina. :-)


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)