Hello, beautiful readers! This week at W3: Wea've Written Weekly, Violet encouraged us to write a poem focused on the theme of elements of the human condition. She provided us with three different quotes and invited us to incorporate one of the quotes into our poem. Here are the three quotes: "There are years that ask questions and years that answer."
"The marks humans leave are too often scars."
"Sometimes I think being scared if half the fun."
I chose to write a reverse Etheree, which is a poem of ten lines with each line losing a syllable (10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1). I also chose to have end rhymes to make it even more challenging. (I'm a glutton for punishment...lol!).
(courtesy of @CDD20 on Pixabay)
Mended Scarsthe marks humans leave are too often scars
etched upon the heart without regard
broken promise here, lies told there
friendships lost without a care
self-importance tops all
until karma calls
actions rebound
turn around
change trends
As I was creating this poem, another poem came to mind. This one is a free verse.
the marks humans leave
are too often scars
embedded deep within history
smooth, gray scars
where trees were uprooted
to make way for progress
depressed, white scars
where whole species were eliminated
for entertainment or apathy
red, raw, serrated scars
used to tear apart countries
irradicate people who were hated
simply so others could feel empowered
each scar carries its own story
some scars begin to fade with time
ignored for lack on wanting
to face past atrocities
content with believing
it's all in the past
the past becomes the present
and the empowered want more
and the peons forget the warnings
the signs of what's to come
the power they gave away
so the powerful could once again
wield the knife
and create more scars
Would you like to write a poem for this prompt? Join us here.