Friday, March 3, 2023

#TankaTuesday Weekly #Poetry Challenge #tanka #haiga #poetrycommunity #spices #friendship @YvetteMCalleiro

Hello, beautiful people! For this week's #TankaTuesday Weekly Poetry Challenge, Colleen Chesebro invites us to choose a spice from our kitchen cabinet and relate its flavor to an event that recently happened in our daily lives.

I chose to go with curry. I don't cook many things, but I make a chicken curry salad that I love. I use the non-spicy curry because I don't handle spicy food very well. Curry is made up of many different ingredients. The one I use is organic and consists of coriander, fenugreek, turmeric, red pepper, and onion.

For my event, I chose something that is happening tonight. My birthday is next week, so a few of my friends from different aspects of my life are coming together to celebrate with me. We are going country line dancing at a local place where they teach you steps to different songs. I've been before, and it's a lot of fun, so I have no doubt we will have a great time.

So, I chose to blend these two ideas together into a haiga. At least, that's what I attempted. It's my first time creating one. A haiga is a form of three or more lines that follow a short-long-short syllabic pattern. Usually, it's a haiku, but I chose to use a tanka poem, so I probably didn't create a haiga after all. 😄 The haiga includes an image, but the poem and image should not be dependent on each other for meaning. It has no title and does not rhyme. So, this is what I created:

(picture courtesy of Canva)

Do you have friends from different walks of life? Do you ever mix the groups? I'd love to hear from you below. 😊

Would you like to join the challenge? Click here.


  1. Happy birthday, Yvette! Have a great party 🎊💃🕺🎂

    1. Thank you, Reena! I appreciate the well wishes. :-)

  2. Brilliant and a very happy birthday for next week :)

    1. Thank you, Angela! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  3. Beautifully expressed! I love the analogy. My heart longs to have all of my friends meet and be great friends with each other. Happy birthday, Yvette!! ❤️ HJ / ChuOnThis

    1. I have a few groups of friends who have never met one another because they are quite different. They meet different parts of my personality, and I love each of them but am not sure they'd mesh if together. The ones joining me tonight have met before and all get along, and I'm looking forward to hanging with them all again. Thanks for visiting and sharing, HJ! :-)

  4. Happy early bday!🥳I love the poem and curry spice also. M face chicken salad recipe from Colorado Cache book has it.

    1. I love my curry chicken salad. It's one of my favorite dishes. Thanks for sharing and for the birthday wishes. :-)

  5. A brilliant post and a happy birthday 🎂🎁

    1. Thank you, Willow! So happy you liked it! Thanks for the birthday wishes. :-)

  6. What a beautiful idea--combining spices, combining different "types" of friends. Yes, I have liked to put friends together like that, and it usually works because they have my family and me in common, if that makes sense. Happy birthday to you, my dear!

    1. Thank you, Luanne! I appreciate you sharing your reaction to my poem. :-)

  7. (Jules) Happy Birthday!!! 🎂
    It is good to have a variety of food as well as friends!! Cheers to you and have a wonderful time.

    I remember a cooking show where the 'Chef' created their own curry. Always good to add some flavor :D

    1. I agree! A variety of flavor makes food (and life) more interesting. Thanks for sharing (and for the birthday wishes), Jules! :-)

  8. Yvi, Happy Birthday. I hope you all had a wonderful time. You're right, a haiga features an image and ususally a haiku or senryu. Gwen does "visual tanka" poems all the time... I think it's a great form. This is lovely and I'm glad you experimented. 💛

    1. Thank you, Colleen! I got the idea of trying one after seeing the beautiful poems Gwen creates. Maybe we could add the "visual tanka" to our new forms list and perhaps call it a taiga (tanka + haiga)). Thanks for the birthday wishes (and yes, we had a blast dancing). :-)

  9. That's lovely, Yvette. What a wonderful "blend." I hope your birthday celebration is great fun. <3

    1. We had a great time, Diana! Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts today. :-)

  10. Hi Yvette hope you had a great birthday the curry sounds amazing 💜

    1. Thank you, Willow! My birthday is actually today. So far, it's been great! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  11. Happy birthday and thanks for sharing your lovely piece!


    1. Thank you, David! I appreciate the birthday wishes. :-)

  12. Happy belated birthday, Yvette. Don't let curry substitute all the individual ingredients it claims to have,😜

  13. Happy belated birthday, Yvette. You are loved by many and your beautiful poem captures the spread of admirers and friends. I hope your gathering filled your lovely heart. ❤️

  14. Happy Birthday, my friend. I love your poem and that you celebrated by dancing with friends!❤️

    1. Thank you, Linda! I'm so happy you stopped by. :-)

  15. I enjoy reading your poems. I must try the techniques you've shown us. So far, I've only experimented with Haiku.

    1. Our poetry community is a lot of fun, Susanne! I'm always learning new forms and experimenting. You should join us! :-)


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)