Wednesday, July 20, 2022

#TankaTuesday #Poetry Challenge #Ekphrastic #PhotoPrompt @ColleenChesebro #poetry #senryu #poem #poetrycommunity

Hello, beautiful readers! This week is Photo Prompt week for Colleen Chesebro's Tanka Tuesday Poetry Challenge. Colleen asked Willow to provide the picture, and she shared this touching photo below. The goal is not to describe the image itself but to write about what it might represent.

I'm not really sure where this picture came from, but the background reminds me of a train station. Immediately, I imagined this man was leaving for war and wanted to soak in all he could from the love of his life before he left.

I decided to write a senryu. This poem form has three or more lines following a short-long-short pattern. In this case, I used the 5-7-5 pattern. It is written about the human condition whereas a haiku focuses on nature and seasons. To learn more about the senryu, click here

So, here it is! I hope you enjoy it. :-)

one last kiss, my love,
survival is uncertain
I'll love you always

Does this picture inspire you to write a poem? Try it here.


  1. Jules - this does remind me of what you wrote about. I imagine my FIL going off to WWII... soon after he married. Just days after. Thankfully he came home! 💖

    1. I'm happy to hear he came home, Jules! I'm glad my poem resurfaced that memory for you. Thanks for sharing! :-)

  2. I so enjoyed your interpretation of the sculpture, Yvette. It adds poignancy to your poem. Lovely.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by and sharing your thoughts. :-)

  4. Love this senryu, Yvette. Goes well with that picture. lovely words. yay.

    1. I'm happy you love it, Selma! Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  5. Hi willowdot21 here, I have tried twice to post as me😄 I love your poem so much said in so few words💜

    1. Thank you, Willow! I'm sorry you had difficulty posting, but I appreciate that you kept trying. XOXO I'm so happy you like my interpretation of the photo you gave us. I'm loving everyone's poems. :-)

  6. Oh my, I love your beautiful haiku. ❤️

    1. Thank you, Gwen! I'm so happy you like it. Blogger isn't very friendly with leaving comments, and I'm not sure how to fix it, so I appreciate you commenting again to let me know it was you. :-)

  7. For some reason, my name is not showing, but my comment is above. ❤️

  8. I like this a lot. It says everything, and so succinctly.

  9. Loved the poignancy of the verse.
    It absolutely captures the moment

    1. Thank you for sharing your enjoyment of my poem! I appreciate that. :-)

  10. Yvi, your senryu is just the right accompaniment to this stature. You captured the essence of the art! 💜

    1. Thank you, Colleen! It's what resonated with me the minute I saw it. I'm glad my poem is well received. :-)

  11. Loved your vision with this Yvette <3

  12. (from Jules)
    I think many were inspired by a 'trainstation' -
    Always hard to wave someone away...
    makes the reunion sweeter 💕


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)