Hello, beautiful readers! Colleen Chesebro's Tanka Tuesday challenge this week has us exploring Ekphrastic poetry. When I taught high school, I would use pictures to inspire the students to write all the time, but I never knew it was called this. Today's challenge was inspired by a painting by John William Waterhouse.
When I first saw this painting, it made me think of Valerie, a character from my Chronicle of the Diasodz series. Valerie's hair is brown and straight and the time period is wrong, but the way this woman peers into the crystal ball reminded me of the prophecy Valerie was given when she found out she was pregnant.
So, here is my attempt at writing a haibun. If this is your first visit with me, I should warn you that I am a novice at syllabic poetry. Each week, Colleen challenges us to try new forms. So, if I don't quite write a poem that follows the rules, consider it a learning experience for me. You cannot grow if you do not try. So, I hope you enjoy my response to this week's prompt:
Prophetic Sacrifice
She stared at the globe, where the most likely of many possible futures dissipated into the mist. A tear streamed down her cheek as she cradled her growing bump. The prophecy asked too much of her. She knew what she had to do, but she questioned whether she had the strength to do so.
beautiful unborn
must I make this
our fates
I hope you enjoyed that. I'd love to hear your thoughts below. If I've inspired you to join in the fun, click here to follow Colleen's challenges. :-)