Wednesday, June 5, 2024

#TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic #Poetry Challenge - #Syllabic #poem #poetrycommunity #seasonalKigo #Kigo #seasons #Boshu #Tanka #summerdays @YvetteMCalleiro

Hello, beautiful readers! I've spent the past couple of days packing up my classroom, which is something we have to do at the end of every year so the custodial crew can wax the floors during the summer. I am very much looking forward to summer break, especially not having to wake up to an alarm. 

For this week's #TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, Colleen Chesebro shared with us that we moved into a new Japanese season in poetry, Boshu - the time of planting grains. I've chosen to write a tanka poem which consists of five lines with a 5-7-5-7-7 syllabic pattern where the third line is a pivot line. My kigo words are bolded and italicized.

As you all know, I love summer, especially since it means longer days at the beach. I also love camping, but I refuse to do it during the summer months because I am a magnet for mosquitoes. I am also allergic to their bites and get large welts that lasts for days before turning into smaller bites that last even longer. So, while I enjoy my summer days, I make sure I'm inside at dawn and dusk with the vampiric critters are out. 

summer days delight
sun's heat brings lakeside fun
scrumptious bonfire s'mores
mosquitoes come out at dusk
bitten skin cries for mercy

What do you enjoy doing during the summer? I'd love to hear from you.

Would you like to write a poem with us this week? Click here to join in the fun.


  1. All seasons have their own charm, Yvette. You've drawn a delightful picture of summer despite the bites of mosquitoes!

    1. Thank you, Balroop! I'm so happy you enjoyed my poem. Thanks for visiting! :-)

  2. Yvette, I am also allergic to mosquitos, so I sympathize. Enjoy your beach time!

    1. Thanks, Kerfe! I use coconut oil, Avon's Skin-So-Soft, or Repel's Lemon Eucalyptus spray. Repel has the strongest smell. They all seem to work well for me. You may want to try them out. :-)

  3. (Jules) I know about biters! When I go out to do yard work I spray my hat with repellant, sometimes my long sleve shirt too! I count myself lucky that I may have already been bitten only a half a dozen times!

    The days seem too hot already. I had some more herbs to plant in my raised garded so I was up at 6am! No alarm. Sometimes when I go to bed on the early side I just get up early. Mostly though I do just 'roll over' ;)

    Enjoy your break! (((Hugs)))

    1. My body will wake me up around 7:30/8 am without an alarm, but that is SO much better than the 5 am alarm I deal with when school is in session. I hope your herbs thrive. Thanks for visiting and sharing, Jules! :-)

    2. (Jules) I've used some of the herbs in homemade salad dressing :)
      I have a hydrator... I just have to figure out how to use it! I suppose though I could just hang some herbs in my laundry room! :)

      I used to get up that early when I worked the fisrt shift in a grocery story bakery... I don't miss it at all! Enjoy 'sleeping-in!'

  4. Sorry to hear about the thunder and lightning....Hopefully it's just for a day although there seems to be a lot of floods globally....climate change I suppose. Oh well if we have to build an ark...I'm going to build a small one and only taking two cats two kookaburras two wombats and two budgies. Thanks for your comment. Enjoy your Summer !...Rall

    1. Thanks for the laugh, Rall! Our thunderstorms don't last very long. There is a meme that shows Florida whether being all sunshine at 10 am and 1 pm, then a thunderstorm at 3pm, and then sunshine again at 4 pm. It's quite accurate. :-)

  5. Sounds peachy. No place better in the heat than lakeside.

  6. For some reason, we don't have many mosquitoes. Maybe it's the elevation? I hope you get plenty of time for the beach, even with the pesky little creatures. 😊

    1. No mosquitoes! How lovely, Gwen! Still, I will deal with them to have my beach time. Lol! Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  7. Haha, Yvette, your tanka is rich with sattire but loads of beauty too.
    So good you're getting summer break. You deserve it. I would ask more about those mosquitoes and if repellants work on them, but I won't get the notification for the answer.πŸ˜”πŸŒΌπŸ’š

    1. I'll answer anyway in case you come back to visit, Jude. I find that coconut oil, Avon's Skin-So-Soft, and Repel's deet-free spray work for me. :-)

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks, Willow! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  9. We have black flies as well, and they are pesky creatures, for sure, but they don't bite me! Lol! Thanks for visiting and sharing, Colleen! :-)

  10. Loved your wonderful tribute to summer, Yvette.

    1. Thank you, Mark! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  11. (Jules) I am not a fan of bug bites or giving bugs the opporitunity to bite me.
    I attempted to stay out of the gnat infested backyards at our family celebrations. I also didn't wear shorts. I suppose I could have used bug spray. ;)
    Been a long time since I had a good S'more! :D

    1. I'm with you, Jules! I will only use natural bug spray because I don't like putting chemicals on my body. Coconut oil seems to work well. :-)


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)