Thursday, May 30, 2024

#TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic #Poetry Challenge - #Syllabic #poem #poetrycommunity #seasonalKigo #Kigo #seasons #Shoman #Kimo #climatechange #oceanwaters @YvetteMCalleiro

Hello, beautiful readers! It's been an emotional week for me. My son graduated magna cum laude with the superintendent's diploma of distinction on Wednesday. He was also recognized as one of four students who had perfect attendance from kindergarten to the end of his senior year. This chapter in his life has just ended, and we are excited about his next chapter at the university.

For this week's #TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, Colleen Chesebro challenged us to write a kimo, which is a poem of three lines with a syllabic pattern of 10-7-6. She also asked us to focus on our local weather. I chose to write two kimos in one poem. My kigo words are bolded and italicized. 

The weather in South Florida is already hitting the high 90s with it feeling like it's in the 100s. It has been SO hot. I'm still going to the beach every weekend. We sit under umbrellas to protect our skin from the sun's rays. Luckily, there has been a breeze that has helped alleviate us from the worst of the heat. Unfortunately, the increased heat is also affecting our waters, making them unusually warm for this time of year. It concerns me because I worry about the coral reefs and how the rise in water temperatures is negatively affecting their habitats. I also worry about hurricanes because warmer waters mean stronger hurricanes.

(picture I took of our beach)

the sweltering heat penetrates my pores
reflective sand amplifies
ocean waves beckon me

deep plunge into ocean gives no reprieve
waters too warm for season
sign of bad hurricanes

What is the weather like in your area? I'd love to hear from you.

Do you want to try writing your own kimo? Join us here.


  1. Oh my, I hope there are no hurricanes on the horizon. Well done, Yvette. You build tension and leave us hoping for a calm summer. 🌞

    1. Thank you, Gwen! We are all hoping for a calm summer, but forecasters aren't optimistic. Thanks for visiting! :-)

  2. congrats to your son and of course, to the proud parents. Nice post <3

    1. I am beyond proud of him, Lady Lee! Being a single mom isn't always easy, but he made it easier by being such an amazing kid. Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  3. We have warm water in the taps too 😊

    1. It's a bit scary. I hope the reefs find a way to survive. Thanks for visiting! :-)

  4. Congratulations to your son!
    Your beach is beautiful. I hope we can figure out a way to slow down the environmental changes that threaten it.

  5. Congrats to your son on his achievements. Perfect attendance is amazing! I'm sure colleges look for that kind of record for admissions. The photo looks like paradise. The warm water is troubling. Stay safe, my friend.

    1. Thank you, Lisa! Our district used to give small scholarships for perfect attendance, but that has sadly been eliminated with budget cuts. There isn't much incentive for students to get perfect attendance anymore. Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  6. Congratulations on your son's graduation! Bitter-sweet, because of the closing of one chapter and the beginning of another. Fabulous poetry, Yvette.

    1. Thank you, Mark! I am adjusting to having a son with free time. Lol! I appreciate you visiting. :-)

  7. I am very proud of all his accomplishments and of the young man he's become. Let's hope all hurricanes stay at sea. Thanks for stopping by, Colleen! :-)

  8. (Jules) Every area has issues. The midwest had tornatos. So far we have had perhaps some higher temps, but it is getting into summer.

    Best to your son. One of our grands finished up 'grade school' and will start High School in the fall. Time goes so quickly. A bit sad that the school only had a brief assembly for the students no guests at all. We did get to see another grand in a talent show though.

    Stay as cool as you can and enjoy the new adventure of continuing your life. All the best to your son!

    1. It is sad that you all couldn't partake in celebrating that transition. It's such a beautiful moment for parents and grandparents. Thanks for visiting and sharing, Jules. :-)

    2. (Jules) ~Thanks. I think this week all the local schools are done.
      Here's hoping our one grand's school does better for High School graduation! 💕

  9. Hi Yvette, huge congratulations to your son. How proud you must be. Sorry about the heat. Our recent summer was also very hot and very dry. Robbie

    1. I have a feeling the summers are just going to get hotter. Hopefully, we will adjust to it. Thanks for visiting, Robbie! :-)

  10. Congratulations to your son, didn't he do well!
    Love your beautiful poems you paint a beautiful picture 💜💜

    1. Thank you, Willow! I am very proud of his accomplishments and can't wait to see what he does next. Thanks for visiting, Willow! :-)

  11. Proud Mom, wow. So happy to hear about your son. Amazing! It’s a direct reflection on all YOU do/did/are doing for him. So congratulations to you both. Sincerely.
    You’re kimo too. Both are reflective of what’s happening to Mother Earth. I’m concerned too. Let’s hope that now that more people are aware for real, things will right
    Loved them both. Splendid. Thanks for sharing. XO, Yve. (Selma)

    1. Thank you, Selma! I appreciate your kind words. I do feel that part of his accomplishment is mine. Lol! Being a single mom isn't easy, but I've been surrounded by a great support system, so I am blessed. Thank you for visiting! :-)


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)