Thursday, April 18, 2024

#TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic #Poetry Challenge - #Syllabic #poem #poetrycommunity #seasonalKigo #Kigo #seasons #Seimei #Spring #EkphrasticPoetry #haibun #heartache @YvetteMCalleiro

Hello, beautiful readers! I have been very busy planning my summer trip. My son is graduating from high school in May, and we want to celebrate his acceptance into the college of his dreams. We are a bit behind in the planning because we were waiting to see if he would need to start taking courses in the summer. Luckily, he does not, so now I'm in rush mode to get everything planned.

I've booked us for a ten-day cruise around Italy and Greece. Greece has always been on my bucket list, so I'm excited he chose that itinerary. I've been to Italy, but this cruise is going to places I have yet to see, so I can't wait! Cruise and flight are booked, and I got both with BOGO deals. As a single mom, I'm always looking for budget-friendly opportunities! 😂 

We are now in the process of booking the excursions. Yes, we are behind schedule in doing this, so we are hoping to get it all booked this weekend. Fingers crossed!

For this week's 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, Colleen Chesebro encouraged us to write an Ekphrastic poem based on the picture below. Now, you would think all my excitement about my upcoming cruise would have me writing about beauty and happiness, but when I saw this painting, my eyes were drawn to the bluish gray building in the back. It almost looks like someone is looking out of a darkened house and seeing the beauty outside. So, my mind took me in a completely different direction.

I chose to write a haibun, which is a paragraph of prose with a syllabic poem. They are always titled, and the title should connect with the poem. There are different styles of haibun poems. I chose to write a prose and haiku. The kigo words must be in the haiku part, and I have bolded and italicized them.

(Artist - Kaoru Yamada)

Dreary Disconnections

Today makes a month since you left me alone, shattering my hopes and dreams of a life filled with love and laughter alongside my soulmate. Father Time cares not of my pain or how the loud minutes ticking by on my grandfather clock only remind me of the hollowness in my heart. Its reverberating, rhythmic sound drones on, taunting me with its power to move on without you. Oh, if I could replace that dreadful sound with your voice, I would listen to it forever! My heartache knows no bounds, and no amount of time will heal the hole your absence has created.

Spring flowers in bloom
whispers of long gone laughter
colors hold no joy

Would you like to write a poem for this painting? Join us here.


  1. How exciting, Yvette! My oldest grandson is graduating at the end of May, so my daughter is in a flurry of activity with it all. Love the poem. Have fun on your excursion!

    1. Thank you, Jan! And congrats to your grandson! This moment took forever to get here, and now it feels like it's moving too fast! Lol! :-)

  2. Thank you, Colleen! I'm so happy you enjoyed my poem. The poem isn't about my personal life, though. I just wrote what the poem said to me. :-)

  3. Oh you are going to have such a splendid time....and what a wonderful travel experience for your son. Enjoy !....Rall

    1. Thank you, Rall! We are both very excited! I appreciate your visit. :-)

  4. Haunting poem, but so deep. The cruise sounds exciting and what a way to celebrate your son's milestone! Enjoy your time together, Yvette.

    1. Thank you for the well wishes, Mark! I'm happy you enjoyed my poem. :-)

  5. Yvette, I like where you took your haibun and what you focused on in the image. I feel that same melancholy and yearning in Balroop's poem.

    Congrats to your son on graduating h.s. and getting into the college of his dreams. Good way to celebrate, with a trip to see and do beautiful things.

    1. Thank you, Lisa! My heart goes out to Balroop and the sorrow she feels. :'( Her poems express her pain so powerfully. I am not suffering the loss that she is. It's just where my mind went when I saw this painting. Thanks for stopping by today! :-)

  6. Sounds like the perfect trip to enjoy such a grand occasion! There is some gray mixed in that celebration. Hugs xo

    1. No gray in real life, just for the poem. :-) I'm hoping to have Drake's story complete before I leave so I can give it to beta readers while I'm gone. Fingers crossed! Thanks for stopping by, Denise! :-)

  7. What an exciting time you have ahead enjoy! I love your poem...I understand what you saw in this is not always as it seems 💜💜💜

    1. Exactly, Willow! Just because the outer appearance is bright and cheery doesn't mean people aren't suffering. Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts! :-)

  8. I did get to go to Italy! We were in a little town - but spent a day in Rome. We even found a bowling alley! The summer we were there, there was a drought - it was very hot. During the summer stores take a two hour close up during the middle of the day! Dinner is early at 8pm.

    All the best to your son! Enjoy that cruise.

    Broken hearts aren't fun. I do think we can heal eventually. (((Hugs)))

    1. I forgot to put my name up there - from Jules.

    2. Thanks for the tips, Jules! We are so excited! I agree about the broken hearts, but they are part of life. Some hearts take longer to heal, but they do heal. Thanks for visiting! :-)

  9. Yve, how excited to hear of your plans. The trip has already began in your spirit. This is gorgeous, already. May every day be sunny (I know how much you love the sun) on your trip.
    As for the poem goin in the direction it took you I can tell you’re a tender soul. I see what you mean. I embrace this wholeheartedly. Opens me up to receive blessings; knowing others see me (meaning the woman standing by the door, regarding the garden, in the image). Beautiful. Now I see her too. 🤗 Xo, Selma

    1. Aw, you're so sweet, Selma! Thank you for such a beautiful understanding of my poem. You made my heart smile. :-)

  10. Hi Yvi, this is a sad and poignant haibun. Completely the opposite of your exciting news.

    1. I agree, Robbie! It's funny how my mind can take me somewhere so deeply sad when my reality feels the exact opposite. Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  11. Hi Yvette, this haibun is heart-tugging and beautiful, and I love where your mind took you with the image. Congrats on your son's graduation, and the cruise sounds divine! Enjoy! We've never been on a cruise, but it's on our bucket list.
    By the way, I still don't receive your post notifications. I seem to get behind on reading anyway. But when I visit you, I have to do it manually, which is okay, but since I'm following you, I don't know why the connection is lost. I just wanted you to know. And if you reply to me, I won't know that. :) Sigh. Anyway, have a wonderful cruise. ❤️🤗

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Lauren! Blogger is not user-friendly. I'm hoping to figure it all out this summer. I definitely recommend cruising. It's a lot of fun and you don't have to deal with packing/unpacking at every location. :-)

  12. Replies
    1. Aw! I'm so sorry, Melissa! It definitely took a sad spin, but I promise you it's fictional. My world is full of happiness. XOXO :-)


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)