Published Works

Karma Doesn't Kill is a cautionary short story about making poor choices in life. Here is the book blurb:

JT pulled the short end of the stick when he was given his life's journey. With a convicted felon as a dad and a drunk as a mom, there weren't many positive influences in his life. When his mom's boyfriend began sharing his marijuana with JT, his father fought for custody and won.

Life on his dad's farm was simpler. JT started turning his life around until one tragic event sent him spiraling again. All choices have consequences. For JT, those choices left him staring down the barrel of a gun. Could JT rise above his circumstances, or would karma have its way with him?

Escaping the Woods: A Short Story is based loosely on a childhood recollection of mine. Here is the book blurb:

When ten-year old Isabella's family moves to Mississippi in 1982, she is not thrilled about leaving her home in Miami. Her parents introduce her to their new friend's daughter, Janine, and insist Isabella play with her. Reluctantly, she follows Janine to a nearby park. When Janine suggests they explore the woods, Isabella gives in despite her fears. One wrong turn leaves them deep in the forest with no way of knowing how to get out. As the sun begins to set, Isabella and Janine search for help, but will their search lead to their rescue, or will they find themselves in even more danger?

Author's Note: This short story is a bit over 4500 words. After the story, you will find the first chapter of a free, full-length novel that you can enjoy!

Poetry Treasures 3: Passions is a collection of poetry put together by Kaye Lynne Booth and Robbie Cheadle. I have several poems in this anthology. Here is the book blurb:

Passion treasures within.


Open the cover

and you will discover

the Poetry Treasures

of guests on

Robbie Cheadle's

2022 "Treasuring Poetry" blog series

on Writing to be Read.

Included are treasures from:

Patty Fletcher, D. Wallace Peach, Yvette Prior,

Penny Wilson, Colleen M. Chesebro, Abbie Taylor,

Yvette Calliero, , Smitha Vishwanath,

Chris Hall, Willow Willers, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer,

and Robbie Cheadle

Memories of Mom: Rave Soup for the Writer's Soul is a collection of works by RRBC authors. One of my poems about my mom is included in this anthology. Here is the book blurb:

In every child's memory bank, there are some memories that stand out above all the rest - the memories of Mom. The woman who gave you life, cared for you, fed you, wiped away your tears, made you smile, put her life on pause for you, and cheered you on at every turn, deserves every treasure that you can bestow upon her.

In this book, MEMORIES OF MOM, Rave Soup For The Writer's Soul Anthology, 2022, some of the writers of the RAVE REVIEWS BOOK CLUB & RAVE WRITERS - INT'L SOCIETY OF AUTHORS, take you back in time, as they share their memories of their own moms, and how those experiences helped shape who they are today.

Tear-jerkers, amazing lessons, and loads of laughs-out-loud... are just some of the moments you will experience once you dive between the covers of "MEMORIES OF MOM" - Rave Soup For The Writer's Soul Anthology, 2022. What you won't find, is a single dull moment of the read.

Watch RWISA Write Anthology 2022: Life is But a Rose Garden is a collection of works from RWISA authors. I have a couple of poems included in this anthology. Here is the blurb:

If you have ever heard of the organization, RWISA, then you know that it is home to an elite and exceptional group of writers; writers who care deeply about the quality of the work they share with the world, and writers who polish before they publish. That's RWISA! RWISA writers have the artistic ability to convey information in a flowing and compelling manner, that keeps readers engaged and wanting more and more.

In this anthology, you will find a variety of writing, from poetry to flash fiction, authored by some of the best writers in the industry. You will bear witness to their talent and also their courage, as they open their hearts and share their most intimate thoughts via the written word.

There is something for everyone in this short collection, and we hope that each piece resonates with that part of your soul, receptive to being blindly transported to a private island, where excellence in writing is the law of the 


HYPE is a story of survival and resilience and hope. 

Cici’s junior year in high school is going to be the best year ever. Popular co-captain of the varsity cheerleading team, she’s dating the starting quarterback. Even her jealous co-captain’s attempts to steal her boyfriend can’t curb her enthusiasm.


When her mom moves in with her fiancĂ©, a handsome, wealthy man, only one small detail threatens Cici’s perfect life. The school’s social pariah is about to become her stepsister, and Cici wants nothing to do with her.


Everything changes when someone Cici cares about throws her life into a tailspin, and the one person Cici couldn’t stand becomes her only ally.

Warning: This story contains scenes of sexual assault.

Available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords

Breathless: A Short Story is my first published short story. 
Here is the book blurb:

What if the fairy tale kiss that always awakens the damsel in distress takes a sinister turn? What if prince charming’s kiss no longer produces a happily ever after?

Silena’s infatuation with William hits a speed bump when he rejects her. After all, she is just a maid, and he is a young, rich aristocrat in the 1920s. Why would he have any desire to waste his time with the help?

On one particularly lonely day, Silena calls upon her magic to transform into a sexy flapper for the night. Her dream to enjoy one night with William is finally in her grasp, but her magic comes with consequences that neither William nor Silena could ever imagine.

The One Chosen: A Diasodz Short Story will draw you into the world of Diasodz!

Valerie is eager to learn the skills needed to become a Diasodz warrior, but when she meets her new trainer, all she can think about is him.

Nolan is a master trainer who has taught thousands of fledglings throughout his life. He has never had a relationship with a student nor does he plan to.

When Nolan and Valerie are thrust together on a routine mission, nothing goes as planned. If they want to survive, they will need to trust each other. But how do you trust someone who has rejected you? Nolan and Valerie must find a way or lose each other forever.

Note: This short story is related to the Chronicles of the Diasodz series. It takes place in the early 1600s and sets the stage for a major conflict in the series. It can be read alone, but if you enjoy it, I encourage you to read the series.

The One Discovered is the first book in the Chronicles of the Diasodz series. Here is the book blurb:

How do you choose when both options have dire consequences?

Sofia is a 17 year old who is quite content with her life. She has a caring boyfriend who also just happens to be her best friend since birth. She has a loving mother. She is successfully completing her last year of high school and enjoys her part-time job. She can’t imagine wanting more from her life…until Ar’ch (pronounced Ar-rick) enters her dreams, sparking a burning flame inside of her that she can’t seem to extinguish nor does she want to.

Ar’ch is a Diasodz (Die-ah-sodz), a species created by the Goddess back when God created humans. Diasodz were made to heal and protect humans, but when the Diasodz turned their backs on helping humans and left Earth to live in their own world, the Goddess abandoned them. Since then, their powers and their very lives have been fading. A prophecy foretold that a young girl born on Earth would be the Diasodz’s savior. Ar’ch and his brother, Angel, travel to Earth to retrieve her and bring her back to their world before her death day in order to save their kind. Ar’ch knows the drill: find the target, capture her, and safely bring her home. But what happens when the target captures his dormant heart?

Choices create action. Actions have consequences. When faced with the truth, what choice will Sofia make? Will she be able to accept the consequences that follow? 

The One Enlightened is the second book in the Chronicles of the Diasodz series. Sofia's choice leads her on an unbelievable adventure.

The One Betrayed is book 3 in the Chronicles of the Diasodz series. 
Not all is as it seems, so prepare yourself!

The One Revealed is the 4th book in the Chronicle of the Diasodz series. 
Get ready for more plot twists that you won't see coming!

The One Awakened  is book 5 in the Chronicles of the Diasodz series. 
See who wins the battle between good and evil.

Download them. Read them. Write a review (please). And share them with all of your friends and family.  Happy reading! And thank you from the core of my soul for your support. :-)


  1. Wow these are going on my wishlist.
    -Jude from WordPress-

    1. Thank you, Jude! You just made my heart do a little happy dance. I look forward to reading your thoughts once you read them. :-)


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)