Wednesday, March 20, 2024

#TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic #Poetry Challenge - #Syllabic #poem #poetrycommunity #seasonalKigo #Kigo #seasons #Shunbun #haiku #SpringEquinox @YvetteMCalleiro

Hello, beautiful readers! This week, in the 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, we have entered into the season of the Spring Equinox. We are experiencing longer days and are spending more time outdoors. Here in South Florida, I am loving the warmer weather. Our oceans still have chilly water, but it's more tolerable now. Our winds have kicked up as they always do in Spring. This week, we have had several days in the high 80s, and I've loved every minute of it.

I have had a very busy week (just like every other At school, the students are getting ready for Spring Break, and their attention spans are waning. I've had something going on every afternoon, so I've had little time to do much, but I still managed to write a haiku for this week. My haiku has three lines with a syllabic pattern of 5-7-5. My kigo phrase is bolded and italicized.

(courtesy of @Bluesnap on Pixabay)

March southernly winds
ocean crests, warmer weather
all flock to beaches

To enjoy Spring Break, I will be leaving soon on a cruise to the Caribbean islands to really enjoy the warmer weather, so I may not be around much. Still, I will reply to your comments before I leave or after I return. Be well, everyone! :-)

Would you like to join us in writing poetry? Click here


  1. Oh, I can't wait for us to have 26.7 degrees Celsius here in my part of the world. I don't need the beaches but the warmer weather. I am not a beach person. But I love your pic and you haiku.
    I thought about you and your trip this morning. Sending you prayers and good wishes for a beautiful cruise. Take care.
    Shalom shalom

    1. Thanks, Pat! It looks like the weather will be beautiful for my cruise. I cannot wait to set sail! Thanks for visiting today. :-)

  2. Hey Yve. Selma here. I thought Florida is already paradise. You like it even warmer then. Oh my. You really love it hot. I m sure your cruise will be fantastic. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. You deserve this, teacher dear- Ms. Yvie. I bless you.
    March. A wonderful Kigo about the month that’s soon coming to an end. Lovely poem, Yve. Bless you. And please take care. Xoxo. Selma.

    1. Thank you, Selma! I do like very warm weather. I thrive in it. Thank you for your kind words and for visiting! :-)

  3. Have a great time on your cruise....Sounds very exotic. Enjoyed your haiku...Rall

  4. Fantastic! Enjoy your vacation. Love the haiku!

  5. Lovely haiku Yvette. Have a wonderful vacation.

  6. Lovely Haiku, and a happy vacation, Yvette. :)

  7. Oh my, have a wonderful cruise, Yvette! I'm so happy for you. ❤️ And I love your haiku. I'd like to 'flock to the beaches' right now, but it would be a very long drive.

    1. Thank you, Gwen! I am very blessed to have the beach just a half hour from where I live. I appreciate you stopping by! :-)

  8. The beach is always good, Kerfe! ;-) Thanks for visiting! :-)

  9. I would love to flock where you are going. There's nothing like warm, lovely, cresting ocean beaches - a break from the cold. Lovely poem, my friend.

    1. Thank you! We had a wonderful trip! The weather was absolutely perfect, too! :-)

  10. Enjoy your cruise, Yvette. Sounds like a well-deserved Spring break :). I had no idea Florida was already warm.

    1. Thank you, Smitha! We have an amazing cruise! Yes, Florida is already in the high 70s to mid-80s. :-)

  11. (Jules) Have a wonderful spring holiday. Around here the students don't generally have more than a day either side of a weekend - so when ours were younger - there really wasn't much we could do. Private schools have a little more time because of religious or other observances.

    We had quite a bit of rain yesterday - so the creek is high! But it isn't a place I'd swim in... I guess I'll have to go to the gym pool for that! ;)


    1. That's interesting, Jules! We have always had a week off for Spring Break. It's a much needed break before all the testing begins. :-)

  12. Awesome. Enjoy your cruise. It sounds amazing. Lovely haiku🧡💜🌸

  13. Lovely verse, enjoy your spring break on that lovely cruise 💜💜

  14. That's a lovely haiku, Yvette! I hope you enjoy your trip!


  15. Thank you, Colleen! It was definitely a much needed break, and I fully enjoyed it. :-)


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)