Thursday, February 22, 2024

#TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic #Poetry Challenge - #Syllabic #poem #poetrycommunity #seasonalKigo #Kigo #seasons #Usui #Abhanga #SnowBecomesRain #SpringLove @YvetteMCalleiro


Hello, beautiful readers! I hope you are all well. I know several of my fellow authors/poets have been recovering from illnesses, and I wish them all a speedy recovery. I would appreciate you joining me in sending healing energy to them and everyone who is struggling to heal. There are some nasty viruses going around right now.

Thank you to those of you who said prayers and sent healing energy to my loved one last week. She is back home and is slowly starting to show signs of improvement. She will need to follow up with a doctor for her most distressing symptoms, so please keep sending prayers her way.

We enter a new season with this week's 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge - Usui, or Snow Becomes Rain. This season is known as the arrival of first spring thaw. Obviously, we don't experience that here in South Florida. In fact, this week has been quite chilly (in the 50s in the morning, 70s by the afternoon). 

This week, Colleen Chesebro invited us to use this painting by Monet to inspire us. I immediately imagined this couple finding warmth from each other and came up with the poem below. I decided to write an Abhanga. This poem consists of four lines with a 6-6-6-4 syllabic pattern where line two and three rhyme. I've italicized and bolded the kigo phrase.

(The lane in epinay, snow effect by Monet:

Spring Love

nature mirrors my heart
a cold spell starts to thaw
your love has me in awe
ready to bloom

Are you seeing signs of a bit more warmth in your area? I'd love to hear from you.

Would you like to join us in writing a poem? Click here.


  1. I am one of those suffering from some unknown virus. Ugh! But it's warm here, at least for the next couple of days. Love your poem!

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that, Jan! I'm sending healing energy your way. Try to get some of that warm sun on your skin and fresh air when you can. I hope you feel better soon. :-)

  2. Thank you, Colleen! I'm so happy you liked it. The lines practically flew out of me, so I went with it. :-)

  3. I really do appreciate my sunny, warm winters in AZ. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment.

    1. I love my Florida winters as well (especially when they stay warm). Thanks for visiting, Veronica! :-)

  4. Lovely. I didn't know that syllabic poetry rhymed. I haven't experimented with all of the forms. I like this one and the way you tied it into love.

    1. I don't know too many syllabic forms that rhyme, but this one does, which brings a little bit of fun to it. I'm glad I was able to introduce you to a new form. Thanks for visiting! :-)

  5. A hint of new love, oh that sounds wonderful. Beautiful, Yvi!

  6. This is so beautiful and hopeful Yvette. We can all use that feeling.

    1. Hope makes the world brighter, doesn't it? Thanks for stopping by, Kerfe!

  7. Sending up prayers for your loved one. Beautiful poetry, too!

  8. Beautiful Yvette, I hope the healing continues ... 💞Suzanne

  9. This is delightful, Yvette. Robbie

  10. Yvette, your abhanga beautifully captures the tender awakening of love amidst the changing seasons.

    Much love,

  11. (Jules) Glad to hear of recovery!! 💕

    A low of 50F... I'll take that. While we did have 63F the other day - there are still some mounds of snow in larger parking areas.

    We are getting signs of spring with early bulbs pushing through. I've even got a mini iris up and bloomed! Some Daffs have more than leaves but no trumpets yet :)

    1. I bet it's beautiful to see the new sprouts against the snow. It hit 77 degrees today, and I'm thrilled! It should be 80 degrees by next weekend, and I can't wait! Thanks for stopping by, Jules! :-)

  12. What a beautiful love poem!....Rall

    1. Aw, thank you, Rall! I'm so happy you liked it. Thanks for visiting! :-)

  13. Nature does indeed mirror the heart. I love that.


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)