Monday, June 18, 2018

Author Spotlight - Suzanne Burke

Hello, beautiful readers! Today, I would like to share with you an incredible author, Suzanne Burke.  She is here to introduce her newest novel, The Alternative.  Suzanne, take it away...

Welcome to day 1 of my Choose "THE ALTERNATIVE" Blog TourWith my grateful thanks to my marvelous host. Thank you for joining me here.

Book Blurb

There are those that cling unreservedly to the lifeboat that believing in Karma hands them so willingly.

They work, they live, and they function in a world that allows them the option of unreservedly trusting that Karma has no deadline.

Until they are handed the spark that ignites them into becoming the instrument of Karma itself.

There are others who have had all they once held to be truths, everything they once stood for and took pride in, torn apart and ripped from them by the hand of a cruel fate.

Then, of course, there are those who believed in nothing and no one, to begin with ...

These are their stories.

The stories of people both good and bad, who made the choice to exact "The Alternative."


Join me for a brief journey into the mind of a Narcissistic Sociopath.

You will meet him in the pages of "The Alternative" under Chapter 1. Picasso.

Here is a Character Interview with a terrifying human being.

Sandy Alderman takes her seat across from her guest. Briefly reassured by the presence of an armed guard, she begins.

'May I ask why you consented to this interview?"

"Well, Sandy ... I feel that the Press may have overlooked things in their coverage of my trial. That deserves to be corrected."

"The press have depicted you as a monster. Do you see yourself as such?"

"Monster? I find that term vaguely amusing. Monsters are the sole creations of human fear. I hold to the truth that am an artist. An artist is entitled to share his art, is he not?"

"You label the torture and mutilation of sixteen young girls, as art?"

"Torture? These females would have lived out their pathetic, boringly brown existences, and they would have faded from view and memory as they aged. I caught them young and unsullied, before time had a chance to destroy that perfect blank canvass. As for mutilation ... Surely even you can see that my talented hands have ensured that they will always remain memorable. As all great works of art should be."

"Their lives have been destroyed by your actions.  Do you understand that ... on any level?"

"I am a highly intelligent man. I have the capacity to understand more of this world than people like you will ever comprehend. Therein lay the conundrum. For I am being judged by human beings who will never reach their full potential. I am an artist. My work lives on."

"You feel no remorse?"

"Remorse would indicate that I have done something I should be ashamed of. That is not the case."

"The jury has retired to consider their verdict. How do you think you'll be judged?"

"Ah ... there it is. The question of the hour. I doubt I will be judged fairly and without prejudice. Jurors are not renowned for being keenly intelligent or highly educated. They are a cross section of people with unfulfilled dreams and low aspirations. I do not expect them to appreciate genius."

The interviewer stood and without looking again at her guest she said, "Cut. I'm done here."

Her producer hurried across to her. "Sandy, honey ... are you okay?"

The veteran reporter looked up at her colleague. "Have you ever longed to just rip someone's throat out, Mike?"

"There's a long line ahead of you, honey."

"I have to wonder if he'll survive the prison system. You know?"

"I don't hold out much hope on that score, honey. I get the feeling he'll be isolated. I mean ... how else could you keep your other inmates alive?"

"I need a drink."

"I'm buying."

Well now, that was a cheerful post to begin my tour, wasn't it?  Thank you for taking the journey with me. The stories you will find within the pages of "The Alternative" deal with life from so many viewpoints.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Again my sincere thanks to my host, and to the great crew at 4 Wills Publishing for organizing my blog tour.

Author Bio:

Suzanne Burke resides with her daughter and grandson in a small country town located hundreds of miles to the west of her previous home in Sydney, Australia.

Suzanne had long wanted to write, life interrupted and she didn’t begin her journey into the world of writing until she was in her early fifties.

Suzanne has written her memoirs under the author name of Stacey Danson, both her non-fiction books have ranked in the top 100 paid in Kindle on Amazon. “Empty Chairs” and “Faint Echoes of Laughter” continue to earn wonderful reviews.

Suzanne writes her powerful Thrillers “Acts Beyond Redemption” and “Acts of Betrayal” and her Paranormal anthology “Mind-Shaft” as S. Burke.

Connect with Suzanne:

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  1. Fantastic post! Congrats, Sooz!! Everyone is going to love these stories. Thanks for hosting, Yvi.

  2. What an introduction! This was an excellent post, Soooz, and so fitting for your short story "Picasso." Happy release day. I've posted my review of your excellent collection on Amazon and Goodreads. Wishing you much success, my friend! And a great job of hosting, Yvette!

    1. Great to see you here, Mae! Thanks for your support! :-)

    2. 😊Thank you so much, Mae Clair! I'm so excited. The character of "Picasso" does make Hannibal Lecter look like Santa Claus, doesn't he?

      I'm delighted with your wonderful review. Thank you again.

  3. Wow, a whale of a hook for sure! The anthology just went live today, I notice. Congratulations! Thanks for hosting, Yvette!

    1. 😊 Thank you, Guy! I'm so glad the hook intrigued you. Thanks for helping me celebrate release day.

  4. Wow! Now that's how you start a blog tour! Brilliant! The Alternative is high on my TBR list. Congratulations, Suzanne! Thanks for hosting, Yvette!😊

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Vashti! :-)

    2. 😊Thanks, Vashti! I'm having a marvelous time. Thank you for helping me celebrate.

  5. Trying this again as my first two comments didn't go through! Your blurb had me hooked, Suzanne! I will pick up a copy of The Alternative. Your character interview was a great start to your tour. Yvette, thanks for hosting.

    1. 😊Hi, Michelle! Thanks so much, I'm delighted that you helped me celebrate my release day.

  6. 🦋Yvette, thank you so much for doing such a great job in hosting Day 1 of my tour.

  7. Wow! I love it. Can’t wait to read it all. Thanks for hosting, Yvette! Have a wonderful tour, Suzanne!

    1. 🌹Thanks, Linda! It's a dark read, my friend.

  8. Wow... Suzanne, what a gripping post! I lve it! You know I'm a #Fangirl, but you can definitely put the word raving in front of that. Lol

    Thanks for hosting, Yvette.

    1. 😀lol... You always make me smile, my friend.I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this collection. Thanks as always for the awesome support.

  9. Great first stop Yvette! I loved The Alternative! Enjoy your tour and release day!

    1. 😊Thanks again for the wonderful support, Denise.

  10. Thanks for sharing Suzanne! Sounds fascinating. Enjoy your tour. Thanks for hosting, Yvette!

  11. I have read The Alternative and it is a five star read. Congratulations Soooz and thank you for hosting, Yvette

  12. Suzanne, having read one of your books, I know we are in for a powerful experience with "The Alternative." I'll have to get a copy.

    Yvette, thank you for hosting Suzanne today.

  13. 😊Thanks, Shirley! I loved your review of "Acts Beyond Redemption. Thanks so much for helping me celebrate the release of "The Alternative"

  14. And here I thought Picasso was dead. Oh, you don't mean THAT Picasso, do you Soooz? For people like the Picasso in your book, Billy Battles would say there is only one remedy: "Hang 'em high." (It's a Kansas thing.) Thanks for hosting Yvette.

  15. Excellent post, Suzanne!

    Thanks for hosting, Yvette!


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