The November Snow series follows November Snow, a girl who has visions of the future who gets mixed up with vampires and werewolves and faeries. I have read the entire series and LOVE it! In the author's words, here is a little glimpse into two of the characters that you learn to love (and/or hate) from the series.
"Looking for Love in All the Wrong
by A.M. Manay
I've been
thinking a lot about the relationship between November and Luka as I wind up my
November Snow Series with its final installment, SheMarches Through Fire.
Why is November drawn to Luka despite hating
everything he has done or has tried to do?
Why can't she simply reject him altogether?
and Luka have a complicated dynamic. Her
inability to disengage from him doesn’t arise only because power is seductive,
though it is. It's not solely due to
vampire blood magic. It's not just
"Stockholm Syndrome.” It's not simply
an impulse toward self-destructive behavior, though that does play into things. It’s also not just due to the fact that she
has a savior complex, though she does certainly have a deep need to save
I think that
the final factor that might not be immediately apparent to the casual reader is
that November sees something familiar in Luka, as he does in her. When it comes down to it, Luka may be the
character who best understands November and her emotional motivations. November and Luka are two sides of the same
coin. Both survived devastating and
abusive childhoods. November lost her
father at a young age. Her neglectful
and abusive mother struggled unsuccessfully with addiction and was terrified of
November's gift. Luka's parents rejected
him and left him for dead because he was born with a physical disability, and
his surrogate vampire family enslaved and exploited him for years before giving
him eternal life. They both experienced
significant trauma, but they reacted to that experience differently.
November chooses to turn to the good while dealing with her pain, Luka chooses
a more evil road in response to his own.
November's reaction is to seek safety and affection wherever she can
find it. She, both consciously and unconsciously,
tries to get everyone she meets to love her and protect her the way her parents
did not. She, essentially, goes looking
for love in all the wrong places. Luka's
response to similar trauma is to seek to control the world and everyone in it,
especially those who mean anything to him.
His greed and his ruthlessness spring from the desperate emotional need
to rule his universe and to prevent another abandonment. Consequently, any event causing helplessness
or loss affects him profoundly, as it does November.
creation of November's connection to Luka, especially as it develops in SheMarches Through Fire,
isn't meant to express approval of his crimes or of his abusive behavior, nor
is it intended to be leading to a romance with some kind of "happily ever
after." Her actions with respect to Luka aren’t meant
to be seen as particularly wise. You’ll
have to decide for yourself how you judge them both.
These two antagonists
have a great deal more in common than I realized when I first began to write the
series. Isn't it funny how our
characters somehow take on lives of their own?
What complexities do you see in November’s relationships with the other
If you want
to see how November and Luka’s dangerous dance comes to a close, order SheMarches Through Fire,
available today at all major ebook retailers.
November Snow
A.M. Manay
design: A.M. Manay
Date: March 28, 2017
Supernatural fantasy
Psychic vampire November Snow must battle grief, injury, and her own family as
she fights evil on all sides. She seeks a cure for the poison sapping her
strength and a fairy weapon as powerful as it is dangerous to wield. When it is
time to save the innocent and gain justice for her maker, will she find the
strength to march through the fire?
If you want a little bit more information, watch this book trailer: