Happy birthday to me! :-) Birthdays are the one day in the year in which you celebrate your mother giving you life. Life should be celebrated every day, but on your birthday, the miracle of birth is celebrated. The miracle of every year that has past is honored. And the hopes and dreams of the years to come are recognized.
My beautiful and incredible mother gave birth to me 42 years ago and gave me a life full of beauty and love, trials and tribulations, and dreams and possibilities. And from my earliest memories, I remember having a love of reading. That led to a love of writing. And that love of writing gave birthday to the world of Caelagios and my amazing Diasodz.
So, to celebrate my birthday today, I have decided to give you all a gift. :-)
For today (March 7, 2016) and maybe for tomorrow ;-), The One Discovered (the first novel in the Chronicles of the Diasdoz) will be FREE! If you haven't read it yet, this is the perfect time to download it. If you have read it, this is the perfect time to share it with all of your friends!
Here is the link to download it for FREE: http://www.amazon.com/One-Discovered-Chronicles-Diasodz-Book-ebook/dp/B00I4L2Q40
Download it. Read it. Share it. Consider it your birthday gift to me! When you share your love of reading with others, we allow them to embrace the beauty of worlds they never would have imagined on their own.
Help me celebrate my birthday by gifting yourself and your friends with my Diasodz. I promise you that you will be celebrating today for years to come. ;-)
Oh, and if you want to give me a gift in return, please write an honest review after you have read it. Reviews are another way of sharing your love for reading, and I would be honored if you would share your thoughts with me. Happy reading! :-)