Wednesday, May 22, 2024

#TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic #Poetry Challenge - #Syllabic #poem #poetrycommunity #seasonalKigo #Kigo #seasons #Shoman @YvetteMCalleiro

Hello, beautiful readers! How is it possible that it's been two weeks since I last posted? I feel like I blinked and time jumped. Life has been so busy lately. From the moment I wake up to the moment my head hits the pillow at night, I'm nonstop. And it isn't slowing down anytime soon. 

School testing is done, and I am now wrapping up the year with final lessons and activities with my students. My mom recently had her fifth knee surgery (same knee...crazy!) and is recovering at home. My son has been having one senior activity after another and is one step closer to graduating. Oh, I also finished writing a novel and a short story! Just a couple more weeks and life will slow down, even if just a little.

For this week's #TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, Colleen Chesebro brings us into the season of Shoman, or Fine Weather. I love this time of year. The days are longer which means more beach time for me! The days are also warmer but not stifling hot yet. I'm a bit worried about this year's hurricane season. The beach water was already a warm 82 degrees this past weekend, and that isn't good for this early in the season. Hopefully, we will get lucky and the hurricanes will stay away.

For this week's challenge, I kept it simple because I just don't have much time to play with. I love leaving my home in the morning to the chirping of birds in the neighboring trees, so I chose to write about that in a haiku. The kigo word is bolded and italicized.

(courtesy of @urirenataadrienn on Pixabay)

bird song symphony

celebrate summer's coming

sweet jubilation

Would you like to write a poem with us this week? Join us here.


  1. Hope you slow down a bit in the holidays. Life is very hectic even for those of us who are retired. Sweet haiku !...Rall

    1. Thanks, Rall! I hope I can slow down as well. One can dream, at least. lol! Thanks for visiting! :-)

  2. Short and sweet. Nicely done, Yvi! Hugs, Harmony 🤗💕🙂

    1. Thank you, Harmony! I appreciate you visiting. Hope all is well. :-)

  3. How exciting that you son is graduating! That alone would keep you busy. I hope you get plenty of beach time.
    And of course, what would this season be without birds?

    1. I will definitely get in plenty of beach time, Kerfe! Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  4. My grandson is graduating tomorrow, so I relate to the craziness of all the senior activities. Congratulations to him!! Love the poem. I hope you get some relaxing time ahead!

    1. Congratulations to your grandson, Jan! It's an exciting time. Thanks for stopping by! :-)

  5. Suzette Benjamin SuzetteBMay 23, 2024 at 3:10 PM

    Very delightful soothing imagery. Well done Yvette.

    1. Thank you, Suzette! I appreciate you visiting. :-)

  6. I love the word jubilation and yes, the weather has been a source of it for sure. Congratulations on your son graduating and you wrapping up another school year.

    1. Thank you, Lisa! There is much to celebrate this time of year. :-)

  7. You gifted us a lovely haiku, Yve. Thanks so much. I hope you’re spared those terrible hurricanes that are yet to come. Thanks for sharing your day. Blessings, Selma.

    1. Thank you, Selma! They are predicting an ugly hurricane season. May they all stay at sea! Thanks for visiting! :-)

  8. gosh Yvette you are so busy. I hope you have a quiet hurricane season . I hope your mum recovers well and you enjoy your son graduating. I love your verse 💜💜💜

    1. Thank you, Willow! I appreciate all the well wishes and your visit. :-)

  9. A beautiful haiku for fine weather, Yvette. I love listening to birds. And I hope that the hurricane season isn't a bad as the predictions. Florida needs a break. Stay safe and enjoy the sunshine.

    1. May Mother Nature hear you loud and clear! Lol! I appreciate you stopping by, Diana! :-)

  10. Beautiful, Yvette. Even with your busy schedule, you've created something gorgeous. 🌞

    1. Aw, thank you, Gwen! I appreciate your kind words. :-)

  11. Wow, Yvette! That's a lot of things happening at the same time. Hats off to you. I hope the summer holidays bring some respite from the work load. Nice haiku!

    1. Thank you, Smitha! I hope for the same. Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  12. (Jules)...
    Oh My, Life can get crazy at times. Years ago I was working but had to arrange my life around being home for my children when hubby was work and often out of town and taking MIL (she should rest) to her needed appointments etc....

    Simple is good. Best with all your projects, school and upcoming graduation! My one grand finished up middle school and ventures into high school in the fall! Where does the time go?

    1. I know that feeling, Jules. It feels like just the other day I was holding my son in my arms and rocking him to sleep. Now, he's graduating. Crazy! Thanks for visiting. :-)

  13. You've been busy, Yvette, but your poem is beautiful. I love listening to the bird song too. I hope you have a wonderful and relaxing summer. 🩷

    1. Thank you, Lauren! I wish you the same. Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  14. Hey, Yvette. I know so well how two weeks can pass on by. Congratulations on the novel and short story. That's amazing work. the poem is beautifully optimistic. Good luck with the school end.

    1. Thank you, Jude! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  15. I love the song of the birds this time of year :) So excited for your novel and enjoy all your events and end of school year. Xo

  16. I love listening to / watching birds.


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)