Friday, May 3, 2024

#TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic #Poetry Challenge - #Syllabic #poem #poetrycommunity #seasonalKigo #Kigo #seasons #Koku #renga #fullmoon #Aprilshowers @YvetteMCalleiro

Hello, beautiful readers! The past two weeks have been very busy for me (such is my life...LOL!). Our summer trip is completely planned, and I'm so excited. Because we waited so long to book our cruise, all the ship's best shore excursions were booked. So, I started looking elsewhere. I found the best shore excursions with Shore Excursions Group. I know a lot of people use Viator or TripAdvisor. SEG's site is cruise specific. It's so organized, and they focus on each port the cruise ship goes to. If you ever go on a cruise, I encourage you to check them out. :-)

We started state testing this week. As an empath, it's exhausting! I pick up on all the students' stress and anxiety. We have two more weeks of testing, so I've got to rebuild my reserves this weekend. You know what that means? Beach time! 😊 

For this week's TankaTuesday 24 Seasons Syllabic Poetry Challenge, Colleen Chesebro challenged us to write a renga. A renga is a poetry written by two different poets, each contributing a part. The first poet writes the hokku (haiku), and the second poet writes his/her response (wakiku). The wakiku consists of two lines, each with seven syllables. 

Colleen provided the first hokku and encouraged us to write the wakiku. She also asked that we provide the next hokku, and she (and you, if you so choose) will write the wakiku in the comments. As always, we need to include kigo words. They should be part of the hokku. I've bolded and italicized them.

(courtesy of @FreeFunArt on Pixabay)

an empty attic
the sounds of April showers
thunderous rumblings

crisp, fresh pages beckon me
travel to fantasy worlds


beacon of wonder
April full moon captivates
good fortune awaits

Would you like to create a wakiku to my hokku? Share it with me in the comments!

If you feel inspired to write your own, join us here.


  1. my wakiku to your hokku:

    dreams echo sage foretelling
    his eyes meet mine on the train

    1. Oh, that's beautiful, Lisa! Thanks for contributing those lines! :-)

  2. Your wakiku to Colleen's hokku is beautiful, Yvette. And you inspired me with your challenge. Thanks for the fun! My wakiku:
    spring promises new blossoms
    a dawn resplendent with hope

    1. I love it, Diana! Your wakiku fits perfectly! Thanks for participating. :-)

  3. Hi, Yvi! I really enjoyed your renga. Here is my wakiku:

    this moment—a reminder
    of precious time spent with you

    (I was thinking of your son going off to college). ❣️

    1. Awww! I love it! The full moon is actually special to my son and me. Ever since he was little, I would always point out the full moon (la luna linda - the pretty moon in Spanish), and we would gaze upon it together. He and I recently took a moment to enjoy the most recent full moon together. So, your wakiku is a perfect connection! Thank you for writing it! :-)

  4. Nice wakiku, Yvette.

    My wakiku to your hokku :-
    i wonder at May's silence
    dark and gold in hushed night sky

    1. Beautiful, Aishwarya! Thanks for stopping by and participating. :-)

  5. Lovely poetry Yvette! May I add my wakiku:
    dawn drapes fragrance of season
    morning dew glistens brighter

    1. That's such beautiful imagery, Balroop! Thank you for adding your wakiku! :-)

  6. Beautiful poetry, Yvette. I hope Colleen does this again because it was so enjoyable.

    1. I agree, Eugi! I've loved the interaction and the various renditions created. Thanks for visiting! :-)

  7. A beautifully woven combination 💜

    1. Thank you, Willow! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  8. Yvie… wonderful. I took a chance and adding mine (Selma) to your first part:

    beacon of wonder
    April full moon captivates
    good fortune awaits
    Ah! To have had this moment/
    I’ll cherish it forever

    Happy travels. Happy spring. Happy memories. Xoxo Selma

    1. Wonderful, Selma! I do cherish those mindful moments where I can just be present and fascinated with nature. Thank you for the well wishes! :-)

  9. I love your response, Yvette! So exciting yo have a cruise to look forward to :) xo

    1. Thank you! We are very much looking forward to our cruise! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  10. Your poetry beautifully captures the essence of April, drawing me into a realm of mystery and adventure. It's like each line is an invitation to explore new horizons and embrace the magic of the season.

    1. Aw, thank you! I'm so happy you enjoyed my poetry. Thanks for visiting! :-)

  11. Hi Yvi, a lovely response. I love reading in wet rainy weather. Your cruise sounds fabulous. Robbie

    1. Thank you, Robbie! Rainy days are perfect for reading! I appreciate your visit. :-)

  12. beacon of wonder
    April full moon captivates
    good fortune awaits
    at the Wakiku hotel
    Honululu Hawaii a silly mood today:) !

    1. Oh, yeah! There is always fun to be had in Honolulu! Thanks for participating! :-)

  13. Beautiful, Yvi. I'm sure it is exhausting in the midst of all that angst. Take care, my friend. Hugs, Harmony 🤗💕😊

    1. Thank you, Harmony! I appreciate you visiting and sharing! :-)

  14. (Jules) Hard to believe that another school year is almost over! And with it our grands birthdays arrive within about a month of each other about two weeks either side of the summer solstice!

    We have a short weekend get away in July. And hopefully we'll be able to get some help planning for something late summer early autumn.

    We might even take the train (just seats) to visit an older relative moving closer to family next month. We'll have to book at least one overnight and rent a car. Just too much to drive.

    Stay calm and carry on. (((Hugs))) ~Jules

    1. My parents are actually moving further away, which has us quite sad, but it's their decision, so I have to respect it. I hope you are able to enjoy your summer getaways, Jules! :-)

  15. So glad you were able to book the shore excursions via another agency. I look forward to hearing about your trip. Excellent poetry as well, Yvette. I'm always amazed at the number of different poetry styles.

    1. It's a lot of fun trying the various poetry styles. You should join us some time, Mark! :-)


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)