
Wednesday, May 31, 2023

#TankaTuesday Weekly #Poetry Challenge - #SpiritAnimal #Syllabic #poem #poetrycommunity #snake #snakespiritanimal @ColleenChesebro @YvetteMCalleiro


Hello, beautiful readers! For this week's #TankaTuesday Poetry Challenge, Colleen Chesebro encouraged us to take a quiz to determine our spirit animal and then write a poem about that animal. You can find the quiz here

I was quite curious to see what animal would be my spirit animal. When it revealed a snake, I was a bit perplexed, mainly because I've always seen the snake as a villain. Luckily, the description that followed had nothing to do with my misconceived notion. Here is what it said:

The snake animal meaning is powerfully connected to life force and primal energy. In many cultures, it is revered as a powerful totem representing the source of life. When the snake spirit animal appears in your life, it likely means that healing opportunities, change, important transitions, and increased energy are manifesting.

That fits me so perfectly for where I am in my life right now. I'm always working on becoming healthier physically, mentally, and emotionally. As an empath, I am sensitive to the energies around me and am continually learning how to manage my reaction to them. My son is about to get his driver's license, which means car shopping for me as I hand my older car to him. So, I would definitely agree that the snake is my spirit animal right now. 😊

I decided to write a classic nonet. This poetry form has nine lines with a syllable count of 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. 

(courtesy of Pixel-Mixer on Pixabay)

she slithers and wraps around a tree

quietly soaks in sun's essence

helps balance ecosystem

as she consumes rodents

quiet and cautious

given bad rap




What is your spirit animal? Share it with me below. 😊

Would you like to join us in writing a poem this week? Click here.


  1. I agree with you Yvette - snake? Oh no! But the positive description that follows is an eye-opener for me. Thanks for sharing. Your poem is perfect - indeed a life force! I thing I've always admired about a snake is it's graceful slithering. 😊

    1. Thank you, Balroop! In The Jungle Book, I loved the way the snake slithered across the floor and up the tree. It just looked so graceful. Granted, then she tried to hypnotize Mowgli to kill him, so there's that. Lol! :-)

  2. My daughter loves snakes and wants one as a pet. While I don't care to handle snakes, I do see and respect their beauty and admire their graceful ways. They just want to be left alone to live in peace, right? Good luck with the car shopping! :)

    1. Thank you, HJ! I have held many snakes. I'm not creeped out by them, but they aren't my choice of pet, especially if they are venomous. They always seem so calm to me (until they!). Thanks for the luck with car shopping. I'm going to need it. :-)

  3. I don't dislike snakes, Yvette, because they don't impact my daily routines. I've only seen a gopher snake up close, and it was actually swimming beside me. A little creepy to say the least. But your lovely description enlightens me, along with your beautiful poem. They do possess a certain beauty. And I was curious, so I took the quiz, and my spirit animal is the tiger. 🐯 Have fun while shopping for your new car! xo

    1. Ooh, I'd love to learn what the tiger symbolizes, Lauren! My dad used to use a machete to kill the snakes that came into our yard when we were kids. I've seen many snakes when my sister and I go on our hikes while camping, and we always leave one another alone. If we don't mess with them, they usually won't mess with us. :-)

  4. I am an snake too thanks to my year of birth in the Chinese calander. I was a hummingbird in the quiz. I love your poem 💜

    1. Thank you, Willow! I was born in the year of the tiger. This quiz is definitely time-related since I would answer those questions different at various times in my life. Thanks for sharing! :-)

  5. Ah, my snake sister... I'm right there with you. I think the test stretches our perceptions of the animals as well. The snake fits me too. You did a superb job on your poem! 🐍

    1. Aw, thank you, Colleen! It definitely stretched my perception. :-)

  6. We have very friendly snakes here in Oregon, Yvette. They sun in my garden and get all sleepy. I think the snake sounds like a wonderful animal and a powerful totem, and too much maligned. Lovely poem. (Oh, and I'm a bear).

    1. Thank you, Diana! As long as you know they aren't venomous, I think I'd enjoy seeing them sunbathing. I'd love to know what the bear stands for. :-)

  7. Definitely transformational. (K)

  8. That she is one graceful diva there is no doubt. Snake... I see you. And the poem is just fitting. Glad I read, Yve. I cannot decide what form to employ to write about the turtle. We'll see what I can come up with... Bless you and thanks for sharing this loveliness. xoxo

    1. I'm sure whatever you come up with will be lovely, Selma! I always enjoy your poetry. Thanks for your kind words. :-)

    2. Thank you, dear Yve. And it was a turtle... have fun on your upcoming nature hike. Blessings.

  9. Hi Yvette, Colleen is also a snake.No am a enjoyed your poem very much.

    1. I'd love to know what a butterfly symbolizes, Robbie. Thanks for visiting and sharing! :-)

  10. It’s Robbie not anonymous 😊💓

  11. Yvette ~ that's one very lovely nonet! Well written, my friend.

    I'm a "deer" ~ the description (which you asked for) is here:

    Much love,

    1. Thanks, David! I love that description! Thanks for sharing it with me. :-)

  12. Beautifully captured essence of the snake! The form was complimentary to the message. Well done, Yvette.

    1. Thank you, Susan! I appreciate you visiting. :-)

  13. I like your nonet Yvette :)

    1. Thank you, Lady Lee! I appreciate you stopping by. :-)

  14. Snake medicine is very powerful, Yvette. The ability to shed your skin and keep moving is a gift. I love the poem!

    1. Thank you, Jan! I love your comment. Like snakes, we can "shed" that which no longer serves us and keep going. Love it! :-)

  15. Yvette, I love both the form (for a snake) and what you did with it in this poem. I also love how you quickly embraced the notion of snake as a spirit guide for you instead of sticking with your preconceived ideas!

    1. Thank you, Luanne! It is in being open-minded and willing to learn that we grow and thrive. :-)

  16. I love this, Yvette :) I felt the snake quietly soak up the sun essence! Xo

    1. Thank you, Denise! I'm so happy you enjoyed it. :-)

  17. I am a snake according to the Chinese calander. But apparently a hummingbird as far as this quiz was concerned.
    I like you snake poem it is very evocative.💜💜💜

    1. Thank you, Willow! I think the Chinese calendar represents our whole life span whereas this quiz represents our current temperament. Thanks for sharing! :-)

  18. It is unfortunate the snake gets such a bad rap, but I think because the snake is so powerful and it was/is a symbol for influential groups through history, those who wanted to challenge those groups brainwashed people to consider them bad. I see wolves getting that same treatment. I like how you characterize her spirit here, quiet and helpful. Good luck with son's driving license and your search for another car.

    1. Thank you, Lisa! I agree with you that certain animals, like snakes and wolves, get a bad rap. I watched a video of how the Midwest landscape was rejuvenated once wolves were reintroduced, and it was amazing! Each animal has a vital role in our ecosystem. Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts. :-)

  19. Ah, that's an interesting one! And your nonet works really well. I'm a butterfly which suits me too at the moment. All the best, Marje

    1. Thanks for sharing, Marje! I appreciate you visiting. :-)

  20. Your nonet is a lovely tribute to snakes. They are fascinating to watch in nature.

    1. Yes, they are. When my sister and I take the kids camping, we always pause when we come across a snake and just watch them slither across the path. Thanks for visiting, Merril! :-)

  21. (Jules) I've seen a few snakes this week - on very large water snake from a distance that I thought was a branch of a tree before it moved! The other was a little garden snake, and today I rescued a Black Rat Snake!

    Yes I do believe snakes are given a bad rap!

    1. You know your snakes, Jules! They are all just snakes to me. Lol! Thanks for sharing (and for saving the little creature)! :-)

  22. Your poem is a wonderful poem about the beautiful snake 🐍 The poetry form you use is lovely - thank you for introducing it to me 😊🙏 I can’t wait to try it 🐍

  23. Snakes are beautiful creatures.❤️🐍

    1. Yes, they are, Melissa! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. :-)

  24. Like your nonet form poem....Aussies don't like are definitely not a are a cross between a butterfly and a fairy I'm a tasmanian tiger (extinct now:)

    1. oops...this is from Cressida

    2. Awww... you're so sweet, Cressida! Thank you for your kind words. :-)

  25. It seems my spirit animal is the owl. This was a fun post, and I like your poem!

  26. Like you, I always viewed snakes as villains, but I guess I was wrong. :) I would never have believed they posses these qualities, but I can certainly see them in you! Beautiful nonet, Yvette!

    1. Aw, thank you, Mark! Thank you for your kind words. :-)


I love comments, so please share your thoughts with me! :-)